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The Most Popular PPE Products

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As COVID-19 is still present, personal protective equipment (PPE) has become an essential part of everyday life. PPE products like face masks, gloves, and hand sanitiser help protect us from the virus. But with so many products on the market, it can be overwhelming to know which ones to choose. In this article, we’ll give you our top picks for the most popular PPE products. We’ll also give you some tips on how to use them and how to choose the right ones for you.

Face Masks

One of the most popular PPE products is the face mask. Even though the virus is airborne, the CDC says it is not a good idea to altogether avoid public spaces. Instead, they recommend wearing a face mask when there is an increased likelihood of touching contaminated surfaces. Cotton masks, for example, are not considered to be effective against COVID-19. There are three kinds of face masks you can choose from Disposable Face Masks – Are specially designed to protect you against infectious diseases. They are not reusable and must be thrown away after each use. Cloth Face Masks – Cloth face masks are not as popular as they used to be. The CDC recommends against using them because they can become contaminated with viruses. N95 Face Masks – N95 masks are the most popular choice. They are disposable and come in different styles and sizes.

Cloth Masks

Cloth masks are a throwback to the early days of pandemics, such as the Asian Flu of 1957. They are a type of surgical mask that is made of lightweight cotton fabric that covers your nose and mouth. They are reusable and replaceable, making them an affordable option for the long term. As a bonus, they are more comfortable than disposable masks. The only downside to cloth masks is that they are more difficult to clean and disinfect than disposable masks. You also need to purchase a new one for each pandemic.

N95 Masks

N95 masks are a popular choice for respiratory protection against viral and bacterial infections. They are beneficial when you are in close contact with other people who are sick. N95 masks have a 95% filtration efficiency rating by the CDC, which makes them an excellent choice for pandemic flu. They can be reused as many times as necessary as long as they are clean and in good condition. Keep in mind that these masks are not useful against biological threats like anthrax spores. If you are concerned about biological threats, you will need a disposable respirator mask.


Gloves are a must-have PPE product for any people who may come into contact with the COVID-19 virus. They’re a great way to protect your hands from infectious diseases. Cloth gloves – are less expensive than latex gloves, and they are also easier to clean. However, they are not as durable as latex gloves and will wear out much more quickly. Latex gloves – are better at protecting you and others from infectious diseases than cloth gloves. This is because they are tighter-fitting glove that creates a better barrier. Latex gloves are also easier to clean and disinfect than cloth gloves. This makes them a better choice if you have to come into contact with bodily fluids.

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Disposable Gloves

Disposable gloves are a must-have for anyone likely to come into contact with bodily fluids. If you are caring for sick family members, working with sick animals, or dealing with contaminated surfaces, you will need to wear this PPE product. Disposable gloves come in various thicknesses, including surgical, medical examination, and barrier types. When choosing disposable gloves, make sure you select the type that is best for your needs. Surgical gloves – are the thinnest gloves available. They are good for handling objects and performing medical procedures. Medical examination gloves – are thicker than surgical gloves and are best used in situations where you come into frequent contact with bodily fluids. Barrier gloves-  are the thickest gloves available. They fit tightly and provide excellent protection against blood and other bodily fluids.

Reusable Gloves

Unlike disposable gloves, reusable gloves are not single-use items. They can be used over and over again until they are no longer usable. Reusable gloves have different levels of resistance against blood and other bodily fluids. The level of protection depends on the type of material used. Nitrile gloves are the most popular type of reusable gloves. They provide a barrier against blood and other bodily fluids, are easy to clean, and can be used for many different jobs.

Hand Sanitiser

Hand sanitiser is a must-have for anyone who deals with the COVID-19 virus. It is an inexpensive PPE product that you can use anywhere you go. Hand sanitiser is best used when you can’t wash your hands in the sink. This includes when you are out in public, at work, and school. As long as the product contains at least 60% alcohol, it will help kill the COVID-19 virus. Products with lower concentrations will work, but they won’t kill the virus as quickly. When using hand sanitiser, make sure you apply it to all areas of your hands, including between your fingers. Then, let it sit for at least 15 seconds before rinsing it off. This ensures that the product has time to do its job.

Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitisers

Alcohol-based hand sanitisers are the most effective way to kill the COVID-19 virus. They also kill other types of germs that are harmful to your health. Hand sanitisers with at least 60% alcohol are best for killing the COVID-19 virus. They can be used by people of all ages. If you have sensitive skin, you should choose a hypoallergenic hand sanitizer. Avoid hand sanitisers that contain triclosan, glycerin, and isopropyl alcohol. These ingredients may cause allergic reactions. Alcohol-based hand sanitisers should be used with caution on children. Studies have shown that excessive use of these products can cause children’s immune systems to grow weaker.

Non-Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitisers

Non-alcohol-based hand sanitisers are a popular choice for people with sensitive skin. They are also a good option for people who are underage and pregnant. Hand sanitisers with moisturizers are great for people with sensitive skin. They have the same germ-killing properties as other hand sanitisers. Glycerin-free hand sanitisers are a good choice for people with sensitive skin. They are also a good option for pregnant women, as they do not contain ethylene glycol, which is harmful to developing fetuses. Ethylene glycol-free hand sanitisers are a good choice for pregnant women and children. Ethylene glycol is toxic to children and can cause developmental problems if ingested.


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread fear and anxiety. It has also caused many people to rethink their PPE product choices. Hand sanitisers, alcohol-based hand sanitisers, and non-alcohol-based hand sanitisers are effective against the COVID-19 virus. However, they are only useful when you can’t wash your hands in the sink. For the best protection against the COVID-19 virus, you should always wear a face mask, surgical or medical examination gloves, and an N95 mask. You can also use hand sanitiser, but it won’t protect you from the virus as well.